Global pandemic has accelerated the world’s digital transformation. Businesses that were lagging behind have been forced to fast-track their efforts, faced with the choice of going digital or shutting up shop. Amid lockdowns and restrictions, interaction between staff and their customers has become increasingly contactless, with it going completely virtual in many cases. The health crisis has left millions of workers stuck at home, transforming a bedroom or living area into a new type of office. This has created an immediate challenge for many businesses in making sure their workforce has the right equipment, which in many cases includes a stable internet connection and secure access to the company’s intranet and workspaces, to be able to fulfil the requirements of their jobs. The sudden shift to working from home and businesses going remote has seen many processes digitised, from staff meetings, presentations and customer interaction, to business travel and transactions that had until now traditionally been done on paper.
While there was a slight decrease in teleworking as the restrictions eased up, it’s very far from pre-COVID levels. Recent research suggests that digitalisation was not only a prerequisite for businesses to survive during the COVID-19 crisis, but also necessary for them to recover from it more quickly. In order to achieve meaningful engagement with the digital economy, people need both numeracy and literacy skills. It’s not sufficient to just give them a piece of technology and expect them to learn how to use a laptop. Digital transformation furthermore requires careful thought and planning to ensure that it not only brings productivity and efficiency but also does not expose businesses and consumer to new risks. The current digital transformation also raises challenges when it comes to workplace equality and inclusion. Addressing the gender, income and skills gaps in technology will be crucial in the post-COVID digital revolution. Europe is lagging behind in the global tech race because it lacks unity.