Joint Technology Research and Development Partnership Opportunities Across the Oil and Gas Upstream Value Chain

ADNOC and ExxonMobil will identify areas of mutual interest for conducting R&D and co-developing technology solutions that will bolster upstream operational efficiencies, strengthen health, safety and environment (HSE) management, and unlock business value. Some initial areas identified include advanced non-metallic solutions, field testing and integrity management, smart reservoir management and well monitoring systems, and innovative emergency response systems. The agreement builds on the companies’ long-standing partnership and allows for the cross-sharing of technology and innovation best practices.

Long-standing partnership to lay the foundation for ADNOC and ExxonMobil to share advanced technology learnings as well as accelerate the pace of technology development. This strategic partnership aligns with our broader focus to embed advanced technologies across ADNOC’s full value chain to drive greater cost and carbon efficiencies as we deliver on our 2030 smart growth strategy. ExxonMobil’s unique approach to research and working across all parts of the innovation stream puts us in an advantaged position to progress energy solutions from lab to field-scale. Upper Zakum oil field, located 85km northwest of Abu Dhabi, is the second largest offshore oil field and the world’s fourth largest oil field. The Upper Zakum joint venture partners, including ADNOC and ExxonMobil, are increasing production capacity to 1 million barrels per day by 2024.

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