The USD-denominated AiPEX5 Index Linked Structured Note was offered to Singapore accredited investors within HSBC’s retail banking business, and is a further step in the Bank’s strategy to develop market-leading, innovative solutions to cement its wealth proposition in the region. Investors need strategies that act in real-time to process the vast quantities of big data across the world; each new piece of data represents a potential insight, which could lead to better investment outcomes.
AiPEX5 simulates a team of thousands of analysts and traders working around the clock to learn from millions of pieces of information and identify potential investment opportunities. The result is that we can offer clients solutions that not only keep up, but thrive in an increasingly complex world of data. In order for us to compete effectively in the high net worth space, we need to offer innovative investment products that respond efficiently to market volatilities and global uncertainties. Customers who have invested into the AiPEX5 Index Linked Notes like that it adopts a completely rules-based equity strategy, which eliminates human-biasness and is able to react to market conditions effectively.