Centre of Excellence to Boost the Development of 5G in Oman

Centre of Excellence in Communication Technologies (CoE) project is one of the components of the Oman Tawazun (Offset) Program, an economic tool that aims to diversify the country’s economy. Ericsson, in support of Tawazun, will provide technical support and oversee training programs that include workshops, trainings, specialized professional courses and mentoring programs targeting participants from telecommunications institutions, commercial and industrial institutions, as well as university students, researchers and innovators. It will also support the development of research projects, including projects on 5G and IoT applications.

Digital laboratory programs will be implemented for school students aged 11 to 18 years, as well as access to online learning platforms. The CoE will be incubated and managed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation at the Innovation Complex in Muscat, with Omantel providing the necessary telecommunications support. The complex is an incubator geared towards turning research ideas into reality as well as seek ways to diversify the economy. Omantel will engage research and tertiary institutions on potential collaboration opportunities to test 5G radios and possible applications that can benefit from the high speeds and low latency provided by 5G.

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