Africa’s Infrastructure Networks Increasingly Lag behind the Developed World

The state of the infrastructure on the African continent is something that don’t need data to…

Africa Shows Great Progress in Development of Solar Energy Markets

The continent has experienced a growth of over 1.8 GW of new solar installations, with 1.4…

Mizizi Africa Homes Adopting New House Designs

Mizizi Africa Homes has today announced it is adopting new house designs for its projects to…

First LNG Importer in Sub-Saharan Africa

To develop gas-fired power generation, Ghana is set to become sub-Saharan Africa’s first liquefied natural gas…

2021 Will Have an Indirect Impact on the Local Real Estate Market in South Africa

Property market is indirectly affected by the overall performance of the economy. Leading up to the…

Urban Densification Imperative in South Africa

As part of a natural demographic trend that happens as countries develop. It is also happening…

Natural Gas Value Chain in Africa

Gas pipeline projects bridge the gap between gas rich countries and gas deficient countries, allowing the…

Solarise Africa to Expand

The company, which supplies solar energy to industrial and commercial enterprises, has recently entered into a…

Manufacturing Sector Propels Opportunities for Growth in Africa

An industry widely viewed as a path to economic growth on the continent. That’s why the…

Acceleration and Deployment of Renewable Energy Solutions in Southern African Countries

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and SADC’s Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) recently…