SEFA – a multi-donor trust fund administered by the AfDB – has reaffirmed its support for institutional expansion for its African energy focused development programs. SEFA’s founding member, Denmark, has disclosed $14 million in new pledges. Denmark’s Minister for Development and Nordic Cooperation, Fleming Møller Mortensen, deliberated that energy was a transformational mechanism for economic growth, job creation and strengthening climate resilience. The good news is that green energy – such as wind and solar – has become cheaper than fossil fuel. This opens a unique opportunity to close the energy gap for the almost 600 million people living in Africa without access to electricity today with renewable energy sources.
With 600 million people in Africa still lacking access to modern energy and a growing population, Africa will require strong commitments in investment activity to meet targets stipulated under The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa can speed up development and contribute to the energy transition in Africa while creating universal access to energy and decarbonizing economies. Therefore, Germany recently increased its contribution to SEFA by another €100 million.