Trafigura Group Pte Ltd to Invest in Berbera Oil Terminal (BOT) Facilities in Somaliland

Trafigura revealed that it delivered a first shipment of low-sulfur gasoil this week to the Port of Berbera. The global commodities firm pointed out the delivery follows a milestone storage agreement that it signed earlier this year with the Government of Somaliland’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism. The company added that it has committed to transform BOT into a gateway to serve customers within Somaliland and integrate oil logistics across the Horn of Africa.

Trafigura noted that it plans to upgrade BOT in a phased approach to improve and expand the facility’s storage capacity, eventually facilitating imports of jet fuel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to meet local and regional demand. The company added that it expects to increase the draft to enable the port to handle larger vessels and give local traders the ability to more economically import refined products and access re-export markets.

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