Qatar Petroleum Enters Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with Taiwan’s CPC Corporation

Pursuant to the agreement, LNG deliveries will commence in January 2022, and will be delivered to CPC’s receiving LNG terminals. The SPA further demonstrates the State of Qatar’s continued commitment to meeting the growing energy requirements of its customers around the world in the form of reliable long-term LNG supplies. QP is to enter into this long term LNG SPA, which is another milestone in our relationship with CPC, which dates back to almost three decades.

Qatar Petroleum is an integrated national oil corporation responsible for the sustainable development of the oil and gas industry in the State of Qatar and beyond. Qatar Petroleum’s activities encompass the entire spectrum of the oil and gas value chain locally, regionally, and internationally, and include the exploration, production, processing, marketing and sales of oil and gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), natural gas liquids (NGL), gas to liquids (GTL) products, refined products, petrochemicals, fertilizers, steel and aluminum. Qatar Petroleum is committed to contribute to a better future by meeting today’s economic needs, while safeguarding our environment and resources for generations to come. Thriving on innovation and excellence, Qatar Petroleum is bound to the highest levels of sustainable human, socio-economic, and environmental development.​​ CPC was founded on June 1 ,1946 with a mandate to lead the country’s energy sector. For the more than 70 years since then , we have fulfilled that commitment by taking on responsibility for the development of national energy resources.We have consistently ensured a stable supply of petroleum product despite recurring oil crises, liberalization of the domestic market and fluctuations in produces prices.While tackling these challenges, we have not wavered in making our just contribution to Taiwan’s economic progress and its citizens’ welfare.

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