Air Liquide Sourcing Renewable Energy

Air Liquide has signed a 15-year contract starting in 2025 with Vattenfall, one of Europe’s leading producers and retailers of electricity. The renewable energy will be generated by the Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) subsidy-free, worldscale offshore wind farm under construction by Vattenfall off the Dutch coast. This agreement will enable Air Liquide to supply its current industrial and medical gas production assets in the Netherlands and more generally in Benelux with renewable energy. It will also feed some of its large-scale decarbonization projects in the region and accompany the acceleration of its customers’ demand growth for low-carbon gases. This agreement will allow Air Liquide to cover more than 30% of the Group’s current electricity consumption in the Benelux. Over the contract duration, this will avoid the emission of up to 3.5 million tonnes of CO2, which is comparable to the emissions generated by over 150,000 Dutch households. This contract will significantly expand Air Liquide’s offer of low-carbon solutions at competitive prices and give customers the ability to add more renewable content in their end products.

A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 75 countries with approximately 66,400 employees and serves more than 3.8 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter, and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the company’s activities since its creation in 1902.

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