Luko Insurtech becoming Leader of Home Insurance In Europe

Since its launch, Luko has been using artificial intelligence to develop sensors capable of anticipating disasters, particularly the most frequent ones: water damage. With this positioning, the start-up intends to make insurance proactive and to spare people from troublesome and stressful incidents. With a view to making insurance a key ally in the care of one’s home, Luko offers its policyholders free consultation with its building experts. The aim? To carry out a health check of their home. During a videoconference that has all the makings of a medical teleconsultation, the expert advises the policyholder on his or her projects, helps him or her compare quotes from craftsmen and women, and “examines” the home to identify potential sources of future problems.

Luko has been founded in 2018 by Raphaël Vullierme and Benoit Bourdel. Initially working on smart home devices to track energy consumption, Raphaël & Benoît have quickly understood that having a positive impact on our society would come with a long-term vision. After launching our home insurance solution with great success, we are now scaling and developing a fully-integrated home care platform.

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